mandag, april 02, 2007

Stikky svingdør

As I now officially announces the reason for my weeklong absence from the amazing world of blogging, I do realize that most of you probarly haven't noticed. That is the horriffic prize I have had to pay for neglecting my beautiful audience for so long. The very same magnificent audience that has been sitting for hours, ignoring the breathtaking risks for their lives that often migh occure while their waiting for updates. Because of my neglectence, the times are not few when you have had to admit defeat, and gone crying to bed without refill of these massive lines of glourious beauty.

My dear Eva (R.C.)! No need to throw up just because I get a bit carried away! (Do you really read this anyway?)

No, I was inspired to write this after arriving at Machu Picchu the other day (In other words, I'm in Peru now). After four days of Inca Trail, we were relived as well as proud to arriving at the great place. After the tour around the Inca city, I walked around and enjoyed it. Around me were all these sweetsmelling, fancy dressed wimps who had preferred to take the train. I really felt that I had earned coming to Machu Picchu, and that they had not. Among these were two guys, one with a fancy boyband-like hairstyle he must have used hours crafting, and another one with a immense camera of professional dimensions. They were proes. It was a British TV-team, and they were making a traveling documentary for Peru. I could not keep the smile back when the ending lines of the program ended up being a parody of British documentary (with equally out-of-proportions BBC-accent and facial expression):

"And so, sadly, we come to and end of our filling and fulfilling journey through this massive country! And yes, Machu Picchu is expectantly impressive, but as we have shown in this program, there are hundreds of other equally good reasons to visit Peru!"

And then he looked over his shoulder and down at Machu Picchu. What a laugh.

"Svingdør" has a frightning resemblance to an english word synonomuos to "asshole".

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

takket være denne bloggen, fikk jeg hvert fall ett rett svar da jeg spilte Buzz i går!
Takker inderlig for hjelpen!


Arthur Bull Cowie sa...

He, he. Hvis det kan hjelpe så. Nuh er jeg uansett tilbake.