tirsdag, april 29, 2008

Reflections and a bicycle

There are many perfectly plausible reasons for not liking to cycle in the rain. One of them, for example, is that you have to sing while you're cycling. This leads you to think about "Singing in the Rain" with Frank Sinatra, which brings back the traumatic memories of your aunt Betty's funeral, where the song, like in so many other funerals, was a natural tribute to the diseased. Aunt Betty was the one with whom you had a short, but raging love affair at the age of five. Okay, it might have a been one-way love, which was largely caused by her being an everlasting supply of liquorice, but still, it made an impression of Freudian dimensions.

On the other hand, I dearly hope that this is not a reason you would find yourself confronted with at a regular basis (if it is, then someone needs to go see a psychiatrist). With me, and probably most others, the reason for not liking to cycle in the rain, is that I just don't like to get my clothes wet. Of course, this is also the reason why people generally do not walk around in the pouring rain, but then, at least by walking, you don't get all warm and horrible in your raincoat, as body temperature does not rise too much while walking. I could of course cycle naked, but for some strange reason I generally do not feel like it. It does, however, not have anything to do with any aunt.